10 DPO and trying to be strong

I refrained from testing today, like a good girl.  I am proud of myself.  But now I wonder, and when I’m not busy with something else (like work today), I have time to ponder and obsess.

I have a long commute to and from work – about 45 minutes each way.  This is dangerous. Even if I try to get really into whatever program is on NPR, I can’t focus on anything else but the question of whether or not I’m pregnant.  Today, I was listening to “Travel with Rick Steves,” as he interviewed The Travel Channel’s Samantha Brown.  I was mostly paying attention, and it sort of got my mind in the right place, until he mentioned, “And you are about to embark on a very different type of journey.”  Yup, you guessed it, she’s pregnant, with twins, even! I can’t get away from it!  The world is obsessed with babies and pregnancy, it’s not just me!

I didn’t want to talk too much about my symptoms, but I’ve had cramping on and off since yesterday.  This means one of two things…AF is on the way, or implantation.  I had some pretty intense cramps for a few minutes on the way home today.  So intense, that I contemplated pulling over and taking something for it.  Then I remembered that I don’t have any Tylenol in my purse, just ibuprofen.  And Tylenol does nothing for me, anyway.  But the cramps disappeared after about five minutes. I wonder what the heck that was all about?

Every symptom I come up with turns out to also be just a sign of either impending menstruation, or increased progesterone. It would be nice to get a clue!

It’s going to be difficult to resist testing tomorrow, as I have the day off.  I have plenty to do though, and if I can get my FMU flushed down the toilet, I think I’ll be alright.  I drink so much water all day long, and my urine is so dilute, that it is pointless to test at any time other than first thing in the morning.  I am really tempted though, but I know if it’s negative it will only make me depressed, even if it is early.
What I need to do right now is get OFF the computer, and in bed with my book.  I definitely need to stay away from this website.  It is EVIL, pure evil, I tell ya.

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